Stop! Wait! What was that sound? Why, it's the world coming back to life to the sound of...LIVE MUSIC!
After a 14-month hiatus due to COVID shutdowns on public gatherings (broken only by a livestream concert we gave in November ( ) we had the great pleasure of performing for audiences again throughout the month of May at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival

On the one hand, certainly the festival stretch was good for our coffers, but on the more important level, it was absolute manna for our souls, to be playing for smilin', dancin' people. To say nothing of how those four weekends, four performances daily, whipped us back in to shape! As I told our last audience on the festival's final day, "We began this festival very rusty. We finish now very dusty!" Dusty, yes...tired, yes...but happy to feel toughened up from a musical boot camp and looking very forward to the prospect of increased gig bookings as the year moves forward!
In case you see these photos and wonder "where's that sexy ol' Uncle Don?" worry not! Don opted out of participating in the Ren Fest due to (understandable) lack of confidence with the current "less COVID but not post-COVID" climate. However, he's very much still with us and you'll be seeing him in his usual front-and-center spot at future shows!
Speaking of the future, we already have a couple "tentative" talks begun on possible appearances, and while we all have to be patient, we anticipate exciting announcements coming more frequently in the last half of 2021. We look forward to seeing our fans and friends again soon!
-- Troy Guinn 6/23/21